Reliability of the information system is a top priority
Didactum ® analyzes the responsibility of management in relation to the security of IT systems
Most companies see your center of gravity to avoid failures of servers, routers and other hardware necessary for maintaining the IT system, simply on the technical level of system administrators who need to make cuts at just about the safety of your workplace thoughts.
Legal consequences of a failure of corporate governance
The resulting consequences are a failure for the administration, but not equal to the legal level of far-reaching.
The greatest dangers threatening the corporate governance of the legal consequences of a failure. As a rule, knows the executive floor of the contractual obligations which can satisfy customers and business partners no longer be maintained when the technical availability of the IT system within the narrow limits of contract is not available. This results in revenue losses and contractual penalties.
This refers not only to the financial side of accountability, which is responsible for corporate governance.
Criminal consequences of failure of IT systems
The legal consequences of failure are not only serious, they take the legal representative of the company also personally.
The threat of law-breaking from an uncontrollable failure, among other things, violations of privacy policies that comply with the statutory disclosure from the Law Society of the different categories of company or breach of duty to cooperate in tax and commercial law. The responsibility for these violations is based on the standards of objective foreseeability and avoidability using the current state of the art. Are not applied for financial reasons or for organizational shortcomings, the technical possibilities of the optimal hedge of the IT system, this results in the negligence standard for the legal representatives of the companies represented criminal penalties.
This responsibility can not be delegated!
Check list IT systems
The security of the IT system starts with the revision-integrity, pass the licensing examination of the applied system software and does not end with the electrical supply of the hardware.
Also, the fire protection and security of the premises from the access must appear on the outside of the test list of corporate governance.
In this area unauthorized access to the system does not prevent technical possibilities to prevent failures due to water or fire damage is not used, and compliance with the technical possibilities has been securing the integrity of the system was not adequately documented, the directors personally responsible for the resulting consequences .
Subsequent exculpation without adequate documentation of the events are almost impossible.
Take your IT security into their own hands!